Project "Batteries 2030" invests 8.3 ME in alternative forms of energy

27 Apr. 2021


European Commission reiterates its commitment to supporting investment in the European batteries value chain

23 Mar. 2021

BMW Technology Revolutionizes Energy Market

10 Jul. 2019


18 Aug. 2020

Portugal gains critical dimension in the industrial battery sector

The Portuguese industrial battery cluster is launched in May, bringing together, in the initial phase, 20 companies and 30 institutions linked to the sector.

10 May. 2021

part of the INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory Battery Summit

08 Jun. 2021

Public presentation of "Baterias 2030"

30 Jul. 2021

Cities, power plants of the future

07 Sep. 2021

Baterias2030 and Vinci7D Projects featured at InnoLAE 2022

01 Mar. 2022